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Microsoft Warns but Windows 7 Loyalists Refuse to Budge

 Windows 7 has to be the most popular operating system launched by Microsoft ever. Despite company having moved up first to Windows 8 and now to Windows 10, loyal Windows 7 users continue to refuse to leave their loved operating system. It is really surprising for experts, especially when Microsoft has officially withdrawn its Windows help and support to Windows 7. 

According to analytics firm Net Market Share, the market share of Windows 7 in January 2020 has fallen only slightly from 29.57% in December 19 to 25.56%. Ironically, Microsoft officially withdrew its support to Windows 7 in January 2020 that is reflected in the data released by Net Market Share. In fact, even Microsoft is disappointed by this small decline in market share of Windows 7 as it was expecting a much bigger decline in market share of Windows 7. But what comes as a shock for the company is the fact that the numbers are literally unchanged in terms of market share of Windows 7 in February 2020 with only 0.37% of the loyal customers having switched to another or the latest operating system of Microsoft. With Windows 10 having gained only 0.31% in its market share in the same time, it is certainly worrying news for the company. Windows 10 has surged ahead with nearly 57.39% of the people using it in February 2020, according to the report of the analytics firm. 

What transpires from these figures is that users of Windows 7 initially responded well to the appeal made by the company but apparently developed cold feet after initial enthusiasm. This is really surprising, especially when everyone from Microsoft to the experts have been issuing warnings to the loyal Windows 7 users about security threats to their systems. 

Amy Hood, the chief financial officer at Microsoft, recently made remarks about the poor migration figures of Windows 7 users. She sought to downplay the development and attributed it to the slowdown seen in the market where new computers are not being introduced by the manufacturers. She added that there was a problem in the shipment of chips of PCs and this was responsible for a poor response of Windows 7 users. There are reports that the supply chain has been adversely impacted by the spread of corona virus in China and other South Asian markets. Windows help phone number has been echoing the same sentiment when contacted by common users.

These reports might be true but slow migration of Windows 7 users cannot be blamed upon non availability of hardware. This is because it is possible for anyone to upgrade to Windows 10 while choosing to continue with the same hardware that he has been using. 

On its part, Microsoft has been issuing veiled security threats to the owners of Windows 7 systems but these threats do not seem to have any impact. It appears that Microsoft is going to wage a long drawn battle against all Windows 7 users who refuse to migrate to the latest operating system from the company. 

Microsoft is willing to help Windows 7 users amenable to an upgrade. It has asked them to contact Windows support number.

more information: free fortune telling


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